Thursday, January 5, 2012

my product:nomiz super sibling repellent

My product Nomiz is great for all older siblings. It works every time and is non toxic. Other companies sibling repellents smell so bad but our clients say it smells great because it comes in three different scents grape, strawberry, and lemon. Many older teens recommend this product so does Lady Gaga. It also comes in a new bottle which prevents any to spill on the user which all the clients love. If they buy one as soon as they see the commercial we will cut the price in half! So buy your nomiz today at get yours today!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

my family traditions

My family traditions are putting up the Christmas tree. I like this tradition because it gets me excited about Christmas day. The day all the kids wake up in excitementto see what they got front old saint Nick. Stockings filled presents under the tree it gets me so excited that my parents seem qto move as slow as possible waking them up is sort of another tradition for to the little ones. The most important tradition is the youngest kid puts the shining star on top of the tree. I think this is important because it is most important on the tree besides the gifts under it on Christmas day. I hope everyone's Christmas is wonder full and so is mine this year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

all about me

The best way to describe me is well as far as my height I'm not short I'm fun sized. Some of my peers would agree that i am animated in some or many ways. I love to draw, cheer, and make people laugh. My favorite subjects are English, writing,and social studies. I hope you like my personality and my attitude. but when i first saw you i thought you were going to be very smart and nice, because you have worked with Mrs.Patalano. I hope you become a full time teacher in the future.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

my holiday traditions

On Christmas morning my sister and I wake up before our parents. So excited to see how many presents we got. We jumped onto our parents bed to wake them up from their slumber. They are hesitant to wake up. We wait another five minutes but eventaully wake up to our excited voices. My dad gets the camera and trys to stay awake while we all enjoy are crazy Chritmas. But it is a special holiday for all of us.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Texas is not for me

"We are almost home." My mom said to me.

"Finally." I said in the back of my moms minivan. We were finally going home,well not home new jersey but it felt a lot like home right now. I had been waiting for my parents to decide that we had to move back from that horrible place. I was begging them since we got there, to leave. But now I'm home and that's all that matters.

"What no!" I yelled when my mom told me something that would change my life.

We were moving. I froze at the thought of leaving all my friends and family. Did i have to leave couldn't I stay here with my other family members? I  know it was crazy but it was worth a shot. I assumed she was joking, but she wasn't what she was telling me was true one hundred percent true. I hated the fact that i couldn't decide for myself. moving was such a big production, the boxes, tape, dusty things you found in your attic that no one could she or even hear about it. but moving to Texas!? that would be an even more of a production, not only because it was 3,000 miles away but we were going by car! my life was ruined but got even worse when we got there.

"Now we have to unpack for the hundredth time." i said with a tired yet happy voice. we arrived at our house, but my mom thought it was a mistake. well because it was hideous, the kitchen walls were blue, the sink was plastic, and all rooms had tacky lights on the ceiling. but when I got to my room I almost screamed in shock. my walls were blue i mean dark blue like if you looked into them long enough you would fall straight into the ocean. "it needs work" I said

"No, the kitchen needs work." My mom replied.

I opened my eyes to see a big white house though my car window. I was shocked to see such a nice house for "Texas". My aunt and uncle greeted us and helped us with some clutter we had in the car from the long trip.

"Happy to see us?" My dad said as he was slowly stretching out of the car.

I hugged them and started to walk into my new life. It was cold inside like a cold air going down my sweaty neck. It was nice but too nice to have two little kids running around.In fact as soon as my brother ran in, and jumped on the couch my aunt said "no feet on the couch". I thought to myself, why are we here they are just going to yell at us for god knows how long.

"Oh no." To make matters worse they had two levels of stairs I thought to myself.

My mom started to rip down the wall paper."Why are you doing that?" I asked, I was always interested in what what she doing because it was always something impulsive.

"I'm doing some work on this ugly house." She said.

I agreed with her but I didn't agree that I didn't like the house because I did. I seemed to think it was cozy even though the people before us left furniture smelling like cat pee. I cringed at the thought of sitting on the couch for the first time and not noticing the smell but when you did you had left it for the next person to deal with. Well thankfully my mom did the same thing she did with the wall paper, threw it out. The first time I helped my mom was with the tearing down more wallpaper. No wonder she enjoyed doing it,it was fun! Different wallpaper was way better than a different state.

My room was small and dark when I creeped in. My aunt said that we were going to sleep on a fold out couch. this didn't seem so bad, until I slept on it for the first time. It was scratchy and hard. So I slept in my mom's bed. In the one month we stayed I had to start school in August, walked a six mile race, sat a kids table every day for every meal, and had a tornado that my aunt and uncle didn't tell us about.(but it wasn't near us so we were okay) Texas is a nightmare and my aunt and uncle will never be the same again. And they probably will never have kids.
"Yes." I said as I lay down on my bed in my new room. It needed more improvements but at this point I didn't care where my room was or what it looked like. As I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling my mom walks in and walks out.She hates the house I thought. but I love it she will get used to it I thought hopefully. I didn't want to move again. anywhere but New Jersey was like Texas all over again and that would be a problem for me. I thought a lot that day about this house, but when i fell asleep, it was home.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

are you proud of your country?

 What is patriotism? Is it a warm breeze in the summer, or hot coco going down your neck?  well when you have patriotism you are giving your country a big hug. Showing it that you care about what your country's been through and what the people have been through in the past. Yes i am proud of my country and i do care.  when you say the national anthom, and and raise the American flag at football games, that is patriotism.  your country should be taken care of. if you don't the country will slowly break down and not be one anymore, so be proud of your country.

When you get up in the morning do you think of your country or do you just keep moving on with your life? Not many people think of their country but when they do they should think of people and friendship.Think of good things because if you are proud of your country you care.also when you think of your wonderful country thank the many people who risked their lives for us, for our country, for freedom. Many people you know and love have been in the many wars we have had between other countries.So patriotism can mean many things if you love your country.

look at the flag what do you think when you see red, white, and blue? i think of love and respect for loved ones and many of your friends. think of love and companionship with others.  Your country has many people who fought many times in the war. Do you have a loved one who has survived or pasted away in the war? Well those people cared for their country good or bad. so i care for my country do you?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Halloween

for my Halloween this year i am going trick or treating with my friend.  We couldn't decide what to be so we finally came up with something but i wont say because we could change it again. we are going together with my family and her family. I hope it is fun because last year i got so much candy so hopefully we will be successfully with our candy! All of my family celebrates Halloween and they also love to dress up even my parents sometimes! Last year when my dad got dressed up everyone loved his costume and so did I. I love Halloween so much i hope it is fun this year!